Pub of the Year Award 2024
We'd like to offer our biggest congratulations to The Three Horseshoes in Cranleigh for winning our branch Pub of the Year Award for 2024. The branch committee and a number of members met at the pub on the evening of 17th June 2024 for our monthly business meeting and to present the award. As part of their celebrations, the pub had run a beer festival over the preceding weekend and we were lucky that there was still a range of ales remaining on the bar for us to sample.
We found the locally produced Dorking Brewery DB One, Session IPA from Langham, Black Beauty Porter from Vale and JHB from Oakham to name but a few.
The presentation was accompanied with an ode to real ale, entitled “The Love of Beer”, specially written by landlord Peter for the event:
I love my beer – I really do – I’ve loved it all my life. I’ve loved it more than any girl and more than either wife! I’ve loved it with a vigour which I thought would never end. But nowadays I love it as a good and faithful friend.
It’s funny how our passion burns so hot when love is young. How evenings last forever, filled with love’s romantic song. But sadly, what was daily, turns to weekly far too soon. Then weakly spelled another way, then once in a blue moon.
But as I come to 50 years of drinking undeterred (My golden anniversary and never a cross word). It’s still a daily thing for me – my passion burns as bright. And my heart still skips a beat before my first pint of the night.
Now, if you are a lager man who drinks cold, fizzy beer. Your marriage in monogamous – that fact is mighty clear. You’re faithful, loyal good and true – in fact you’re quite alright. And, proving that, you come home to the same beer every night.
Now once there was a lager man, quite faithful to his Carling. Who went off with a Fosters unbeknown to his old darling. But he rushed home, he held her close, he hugged her and he kissed her. ‘Cuz lagers taste so similar, he thought he’d bedded the wife’s twin sister.
But look at me, a real ale man who likes beer warm and flat. I am the Sheik of Arabie – there is no doubt of that. When I come home each evening and the bonds of work are freed. A harem of real ale awaits to meet my every need.
I might just want a tall blond beer or one that’s short and brown. A weak one or a strong one – they never let me down. A beer’s not unattractive just because that beer is stout. Or even if it’s old, and there’s a lot of that about.
The boys at Marstons know these things where they still brew their Owd Roger. A drink to warm the cockles of this beer inspired old codger. And if you’re feeling fruity and I want a certain thrill. Then Theakston’s Old Peculier quite neatly fits the bill.
So come on Mr lager man and take me by the hand. I’ll lead you into paradise and through the Promised Land. I’ll show you things you’ve never seen, we’ll visit pastures new. And whilst we’re there we might as well just try a beer or two.
Please have no fear about your wife, whose name we know is Stella. A smashing girl who’ll love you still no matter what you tell her. So, if you hate the option which is bitter stout and old. She’ll have you back, although you might feel she’s a little cold.
But think about these things and get it right for goodness sake. The bed you get to lie in is the one you’ll have to make. The ones who get it right end up on holidays with SAGA. But those of us who marry in haste, they say, repent at lager.
Pictured below is branch chair, Rob Wells, handing over the certificate to Peter alongside his team.