Real Cider & Perry
- Buckland
- Pheasant at Buckland Reigate Road Buckland RH3 7BG
- Caterham
- King & Queen 34 High Street Caterham CR3 5UA
- Dorking
- Cobbett's 23 West Street Dorking RH4 1BY
- Ewhurst
- Ewhurst Village Club 1a Ockley Road Ewhurst GU6 7QJ
- Horley
- Foresters 88 Victoria Road Horley RH6 7AB
- Jack Fairman 30 Victoria Road Horley RH6 7PZ
- King's Head 63 Balcombe Road (B2036) Horley RH6 9HY
- Newdigate
- Surrey Oaks Parkgate Road, Parkgate Newdigate RH5 5DZ
- Norwood Hill
- Fox Revived Norwood Hill Norwood Hill RH6 0ET
- Tatsfield
- Titsey Brewing Co Taproom Clarks Lane Farm, Clarks Lane Tatsfield TN16 2JU
- Walton-on-the- Hill
- Chequers Chequers Lane (B2220) Walton-on-the- Hill KT20 7SF
- Warlingham
- Ales On the Green 20 The Green Warlingham CR6 9NA
- White Lion 3 Farleigh Road Warlingham CR6 9EG
- Whyteleafe
- Radius Arms 205 Godstone Road Whyteleafe CR3 0EL
CAMRA Supports Real Cider and Perry
CAMRA defines real Cider or Perry as being fermented from the whole juice of fresh pressed apples or pears, without the use of concentrated or chaptalised juices.
The word ‘chaptalised’ as used in the definition refers to a process where the alcohol level in a cider or perry is increased by the addition of sugar to an unnatural level for storage, before it is diluted with water to the desired alcohol content for sale.
In order to be real, cider and perry should never be concentrated then diluted – either in terms of the juice used, or the alcohol content.
Branch pubs that serve real cider and perry are shown on the map.
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